Newbie Mama

Newbie Mama – Why Don’t People Tell You These Things?!

Favorite Baby Product..Just Don’t Flush It August 14, 2007

Filed under: Baby,Infant,Mom,Products — bboston88 @ 5:26 pm

tub-image.gifI have to admit, I’m a snob about certain products and I just won’t go generic. These include paper products (paper towels, toilet paper and baby wipes). These work so well that I just can’t deviate. They are silky soft and like cloth. But I really love them for their myriad of uses (wipe the counter, the car seats, the high chair, take off my makeup, wash my hands, etc.) These things do it all…except for flush. I made the stupid mistake of flushing a few too many down our toilet today. This ended up with poo water all over our master bath. I can’t relive it, it was horrifying. It’s finally under control but please DON’T FLUSH THESE BABIES!


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